

Akira: Or How Canada Remained Powerless and Still Saved the World

We have a very interesting experience this week as we watch our first Anime feature film to dissect on the podcast. We don’t do as much shouting and grunting as you might like, and we barely try to use correct pronunciation, but we have a really fun time anyway. This was also our first episode…

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No Time to Hate Daniel Craig as James Bond

Is Daniel Craig the best James Bond? Now that we’ve finally seen “No Time to Die,” we focus in on his microcosm of the greater Bond universe and what makes it great. We hold our spoilers of the new film until the end, so don’t ignore that spoiler warning and go see it in the…

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Peter Jackson is So Brilliant It’s Disgusting

Spoilers: This week the guys discuss the movies Peter Jackson and Directed and co-written, excluding the Lord of the Rings films, to try and figure out how on earth he got that project (because it’s not at all obvious).  Also other big news as Jake has a personal announcement.  Join us for some of the…

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Disaster in Pleasantville

Spoilers: We continue the joy of black and white movies from last week, as we bathe in nostalgic television from yesteryear. We completely fail to recognize the obvious transition from talking about a pleasant beer to a pleasant film. We critique the sex positions of fictional virgins. We also disagree with the writer and director…

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Top 10 – Black & White

Spoilers: This week is all about the power and beauty of black and white films, both old and new. We break down a ton of history about how this medium started, and also go in detail about how it manages to still be relevant today. We are excited to share our favorites in every decade…

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Let’s Get Real about Documentaries

This week we explore a new conversational format as we discuss documentary films and filmmakers. The conversation focuses on what makes a good doc versus what can make a doc terrible, and bring up some of our favorites along the way. We cover examples in several subgenres, from sports, music, culture, politics, food, and obviously…

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Top 10 – Villains

Spoilers: Episode Description – We have the extremely difficult task this week of identifying our top ten favorite movie villains of all time. Jake gets Dustin to jump offsides to start the episode, and we completely miss the beer opening. Jake also pulls a fast one by anticipating Dustin’s list in order to free up…

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Waking Up to They Live

We’ve hacked into your podcast stream to warn you we have discovered some disturbing signals, quite by accident. This week our minds are opened by the 1988 John Carpenter cult classic “They Live.” We of course can’t avoid talking about how relevant it still is, how it works so well in the Sci-Fi/Horror genre, and…

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In a Love/Hate Relationship with The Twilight Saga

This week we tackle the most popular, complicated, and disturbing love story of our generation. We go through all five chapters in the Twilight Saga film franchise. We explore how it is possible that we enjoy these movies that are bad on several levels, and how these books and films, which impacted our culture immensely,…

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SNL Characters Get Feature Films

SCHWING!! This week we discuss the highs and lows of the eleven movies based on Saturday Night Live characters. We speculate about why some films work and some don’t, the timing for release they chose, and which characters, if any, could have been more successful. We also watch Christopher Walken dance in the Fatboy Slim…

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