Things get silly this week as we list our top 10 movies that make fun of other things. We cover satire, parody, farce, and spoof films, and surprisingly have two lists that barely overlap with each other. There is also a very healthy mix of some of the greats and several underappreciated movies. Jake even manages to surprise Dustin with a movie he’s never even heard of! Although it might be that Dustin had to get a little drunk during the episode. Don’t miss the end where Dustin goes on a barely movie related rant about professional Football!
Have a merry Christmas, hopefully you can take next week off with us, and we will see you all in the new year! Let us know on Instagram and Facebook what your favorite satire movies are, and which of our movies you love or hate. Check out the video version of this podcast on Spotify and Youtube here: https://youtu.be/k_XZy9A_fXI
Check out our sponsor: Wandering-Lion Studios!  Follow them on Instagram and Facebook to beat Dustin at Trivia.
The Naked Gun
Blazing Saddles
Anchorman 2
The Death of Stalin
The Cabin in the Woods