Guest Appearance: “The Final Girls” with The B-Critics Podcast


Movie Bonerz Episode Forward:

We were very honored to be invited by Court and Liz as guest b-critics to talk about an underrated meta-comedy horror gem with a lot of heart.  Check out their podcast, leave them a like, and let us know what you thought about the movie! 

B-Critics Episode Description:
In this episode we go over the movie The Final Girls (2015). For more content like this be sure to subscribe to their channel. Thanks for watching “Spooky Season – The Final Girls (2015)”.
Slasher horror films are characterized by a scary guy in a mask, his haunting walk-up music, more than just a few casualties, and usually the Final Girl. The term “Final Girl” is used to describe the final woman standing at the end of a horror film, often the woman who actually takes out the bad guy. Join us as we break down this movie that is LITERALLY entirely about the Final Girl. With witty writing, creative cinematography, and some killer acting, The Final Girls movie takes you on a slasher journey unlike any other. This episode is sure to be unlike any other, as well…
If you want to see/hear more from Jake & Dustin, you can find them on social media at MovieBonerz or on your favorite podcast streaming platforms (Movie Bonerz Podcast)!
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Music produced by Josh McDonald.
October 23, 2023 | 1 hr 12 min