
Podcast: Full Episodes

Top 10 – Fantasy

Spoilers: Episode Description – This week we finally recorded one of the earliest requested genres! Dustin and Jake share a very wide variety of fantasy and magic-based movies this week, and, as always, break a couple rules along the way. And somehow manage to both list different movies about money-producing inanimate objects! Five points to…

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Top 10 – Westerns

Spoilers: Episode Description – Dustin and Jake venture into the old west this week, with equal parts nostalgia and modernity. It’s a rootin’ tootin’ good time as we talk about both very serious and also extremely hilarious cowboy movies! It’s been awhile since we’ve had a couple overlapping picks, and we both manage to steal…

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Top 10 – Political

Spoilers: Episode Description – This week, Jake and Dustin get deep into the political game just in time for the Election! We keep it lighthearted and fun and successfully navigate the political mine field while sharing our favorite comedies and dramas that deal with all sorts of politics, as well as the lessons we can…

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Monster Halloween Movie Mash

Spoilers: We start out talking about random movies, but eventually refocus and just share some fun and hopefully new-to-you movies to watch during the spoookkyy season. Dustin somewhat spoils the House of Wax remake and definitely spoils The Babadook. Christy is here, and makes us draw Tarot cards with some interesting results. And we finally…

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Top 10 – We’ve FINALLY Seen – Part 2

Spoilers: Episode Description – Dustin and Jake FINALLY watched the movies from last week that we had never seen and generally loved them all (with just a couple exceptions). We discover that we shouldn’t have been afraid of our feelings and ultimately learn our lesson to stop skipping over movies we know we’ll like. Connect…

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Top 10 – We’ve Never Seen – Part 1

Spoilers: Episode Description – This week, we talk about the movies we’ve wanted to see the most, but have been putting off or skipping over for some reason. Dustin and Jake share a movie or two the other has always wanted to see, Jake admits some embarrassingly iconic movies he’s never seen, and Dustin has…

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Random 10

Spoilers: Episode Description – This week, we play movie roulette and each get assigned ten random movies to watch.  We have to avoid saying, “That’s so random” like a couple of white girls, Jake tests Dustin’s courage with a mystery beer, Dustin doesn’t like a movie Jake was excited about watching, and we discover way…

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Top 10 – James Bond

Spoilers: Episode Description – This week, we forget to mention that we will get into James Bond movie spoilers, and Jake somehow also spoils part of the sci-fi movie “Equilibrium.”  Strap on your jet packs, this long episode is a wild ride fueled by martinis.  Christy arrives late (again), but this time she brings her…

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The Star Wars Saga: Revenge of the Nerds

Spoilers: Jake and Dustin get into some epic rants while they share an equal dose of popular and unpopular opinions about the Star Wars movies.  It’s so long, we needed two beers.  Christy makes a late pop-in appearance, and we discuss the series and the fandom as a whole.  Get this big, walking carpet out…

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Top 10 – Musicals

Spoilers: Episode Description – This week we travel down a road Jake and Dustin never have before together and both laughs and disagreements abound!  Put on your dancing shoes, this non-Disney musical episode gets pretty wild and crazy and fills us with so much emotion, the only outlet is song!  Oh, and Jake gets pretty…

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