The guys get serious in this week’s episode all about our top ten favorite war movies of all time. Jake also tricks Dustin a couple times, both intentionally and unintentionally (or is it). They’re very proud that they remain entirely a-political as we discuss conflicts and military action on film throughout the world and throughout history, and also that no one sings “War, what is it good for” (absolutely nothing, huh!).
Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram (@MovieBonerz) to let us know your favorite war movies, which one of our favorites you disagree with, if Kingdom of Heaven is good or not, and let us know what future topics you want us to do!
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/moviebonerz/message
Band of Brothers
HBO mini-series
Zero Dark Thirty
Enemy at the Gates
First Blood
Inglorious Basterds
The Great Escape
Tropic Thunder
Kingdom of Heaven
Maybe, but can’t defend it
Act of Valor
Band of Brothers
HBO mini-series
Apocalypse Now
Hamburger Hill
Deer Hunter
The Dirty Dozen
The Patriot
Zero Dark Thirty
The Last Samurai
Jo Jo Rabbit