

On the Inaccuracies of Storm Trooper Accuracy

I wrote this entry years ago for another project that never took off. I’m excited for this unpopular opinion to finally see the light and welcome your feedback.

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Top 10 – Satire & Parody

Spoilers: Episode Description – Things get silly this week as we list our top 10 movies that make fun of other things. We cover satire, parody, farce, and spoof films, and surprisingly have two lists that barely overlap with each other. There is also a very healthy mix of some of the greats and several…

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Top 10 – Comfort Movies

Spoilers: Episode Description – We get extra cozy this week as we come up with our top ten most comfortable movies.  While some are wholesome, romantic, and heartfelt, others are pretty dark, gory, or just downright weird.  Grab some cocoa, your favorite snack, curl up in bed and let’s talk about more of our favorite…

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Holiday Movie Draft

Spoilers: Episode Description – This week we get into the fantasy spirit, and play Hollywood by drafting the most perfect holiday movie ever.  We compete against each other to fill our rosters with the perfect cinematic dream team, including directors, writers, composers, and of course a slew of actors.  Jake finds at least one jacked…

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Movies You Must See at Least Once Before You Die

Spoilers: Episode Description – The guys keep testing the limits of getting cancelled, but it’s with good intentions as they’ve put together a sack full of movies you need to see. They range from movies you’ve never heard of, to ones you’ve probably skipped because they’re not the most popular, to ones that are incredibly…

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Top 10 – Sequels

Spoilers: Episode Description – We’ve talked about reboots and remakes, we’ve talked about movies that should have a sequel, but we’ve never really discussed sequels specifically, UNTIL NOW!  The guys talk about what makes a sequel work or fail, as they share their favorite second movies of all time, and there are a couple surprises…

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What Stinks at Rotten Tomatoes

Spoilers: If this episode doesn’t get us cancelled, nothing will.  The boys try a less structured episode to rant about their laundry list of issues with Rotten Tomatoes and how it’s used.  They try to focus on Rotten Tomatoes specifically, but partially end up discussing critics on the whole that feed the RT scores.  The…

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What the What and Who is Who in Mulholland Drive??

The guys take another listener recommendation and both watch Mulholland Drive for the first time.  We make neither heads nor tails of the movie, so we break down the whole thing, spoilers and all, looking for answers.  Jake confuses things more by adding new names to the characters, Dustin predicts a few things Jake didn’t…

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Random 10 – Part 3: The Revenge

Random 10 is back! We spin the wheel to each watch 10 new movies we’ve never seen before. Some are good, some are crap, some are bizarre, and some are instantly forgettable. Dustin shares a story about if Jaws holds up for the next generation, Jake makes weird but valid analogies to putting A-list celebrities…

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Halloween with the Myers Family

How is it possible that Michael Myers is the most iconic horror villain when so many of his movies are average or worse? We get to the bottom of it and discuss all twelve Halloween films, including how we feel about the new “Halloween Kills” and how the current new timeline is going. We also…

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